Our Differentials
We bring value to your deal
Over the past 27 years, more than 400 transactions.
We’re 31 partners, 100% of our transactions were led by current partners.
Enabled over 400 business owners to successfully transition or grow their companies.
Igc works to maximize the value of our clients.
Partners and teams organized by sector.
One of the largest M&A teams in the world with over 200 employees.
What makes us stand out
Analysis, Improvement and Active Positioning
1. Probing and company understanding
2. Investment Thesis
3. Presentation of the company’s valuation study
Competition Increases Value
With IGC, your company takes control of the process
We create a tailored strategy and approach the right targets. We then leverage our transactional and negotiation experience to increase the value and improve the structure of the proposals
Negotiation Track-Record and Proprietary Data
With broad expertise and market track-record, our team will negotiate the Purchase and Sale Contracts as well as the Shareholder's agreements and any other legal contracts at the end of the due diligence
We always make sure that the transaction fits the company's goals and requirements
During the Due Diligence we support in hiring the law firm that will assist in conjunction with our team
What do they say
Enilson M.
A Geradora
When asked about recommending a financial advisor, I have no doubt: it's igc. They understand your business, add value, provide transparent guidance, and open a competitive process to ensure the best deal.
Elen G.
The transparency and expertise demonstrated in previous deals provided us with great confidence. igc's participation was essential.
A. Zolko
We are very proud of this process, which was carried out together. igc prepared us; it was like an MBA.
F. Costa
Closing our deal with an international company demonstrates all the ability that the igc team has to position your company at a global level.
Felipe C.
igc understood the essence of our business very well and was able to create value from it. We managed to make an excellent deal.
A. Vivo
igc has always cared about our business, fought tooth and nail for what was important to us as shareholders and created value for the company. It is essential to have advice, and igc's advice is specialized.
G. Tremel
It was a process of great learning, and I have no doubt that we chose the right partner for this type of transaction.
F. Felippe
It is important for every entrepreneur to know the right time to seek a good advisor and how much of a difference it can make.
Marcelo L.
igc has brought in international investors that we would never have imagined. They have a very well-designed and structured business, with highly intelligent people who work with admirable intensity.
Salvino C.
Agro Seiva, Campo Total, SC TEC
In the agribusiness sector, I believe that igc is the most relevant advisor. You understand exactly the mindset of the entrepreneur and the key characteristics that make the sector important for a transaction.
Raphael C.
Casa do Adubo
When the operation seemed to reach a crossroads, igc produced a solution, bringing the parties to the table, and discussing, to keep the operation going.
Leo F.
The involvement of the partners is extremely important, they are people who have a direct relationship with you, and who make you feel comfortable.
Joe J.
Publicações Online
The relevance of igc's work was the result of the entire team, who performed exceptionally well. A very competent team. They made me feel comfortable at all times. Everything was always very clear and transparent. I have recommended [igc] more than once.
R. Ramires
igc has been alongside Femme for 13 years and has supported the company through every decisive stage. It is a place of principles and purpose, which created a strong bond between us.
I. Senra
I'm sure that the chance of closing the deal with them is much greater than closing the deal without them, and, above all, you get the best value.
Katia C.
Plury Química
The strength of igc is the way it treats the client, always in a humane manner.
A. Palis
igc explained every step of their strategy to me, ensuring the process was transparent and I could have my say and understand.
A. Yoshida
Yoshida e Hirata
In every single chat, there was absolute consensus about igc being the real deal. They’re totally in sync with the agribusiness lingo, which has built an unwavering foundation of trust for us.
Alberto N.
Casa do Pão de Queijo
igc exposed us to many buyers, which allowed us to open our minds and understand how our business could make sense for various sectors and companies.